
Friday, September 13, 2019

The problem of evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The problem of evil - Essay Example This is not however the case and the controversy induces dilemma on both believers and non-believers. This paper explores the concept of the problem of evil. Concepts of the problem of evil The problem of evil arises from the scope of nature that identifies conflicts in theories in existence of evil and God’s characteristics. This is because a consideration of the nature of God and His power should not allow evil to prevail, or should at least be able to eliminate evil. A number of intellectual opinions have explained impossibility of existence of both God and His powers, and evil and its associated powers and suffering. Two sets of elements, three about God’s power and one about evil illustrates mutual exclusivity between the power of God over evil and the persistent existence of evil to develop the controversy. It is for example believed that God has super natural powers, is present at all places and at all times and knows everything that happens on earth and in heave n. God is similarly defined as loving. This means that He is protective of his creations and ensures their safety from all forms of harm or threats to their well being. The relationship between evil and suffering among human beings and a consideration of God’s loving nature would therefore induce God’s actions to either protect human beings from evil or acts on the pain that comes from evil. Existence of evil and a consideration of God’s omnipresent and omniscient properties also mean that evil occurs in God’s presence, against his powers, and with His knowledge. Consequently, existence of evil casts doubts on the properties of God and induces the dilemma of whether to believe in existence of God’s and His characteristics or not (Beebe 1). Similarly, if God has knowledge about existence of evil and the suffering that evil causes, He knows how to control evil power and has the capacity to control it, then existence of evil would mean that God is not as good as He is expected to be. In addition, if God wanted to control evil but does not, then it would mean that His power is not as sovereign as it is thought to be. Alternatively, if God has the power to control evil and wishes to, but has not, then it would mean that He is not aware of the existence of evil. These therefore mean that the presence of evil implies absence of at least one of the properties of God. Admitting to such a theory that what has been believed to be the properties of God are not actually true also contribute to the dilemma and is a basis to reconsidering possibility of non existence of all the proclaimed properties of God, or worse, the belief in existence of God (Beebe 1). McCallum also explores the problem of evil through existence of evil in the presence of God’s power. The author explains that if God loves and has supreme power, according to a believer’s faith, then He should be able to terminate evil and its consequences. Existence of ev il therefore puts a believer in a dilemma over the properties of God. From a biblical perspective, the author argues that if God is the creator of all that exist then He created evil because evil also exist. Similarly, belief that God is good and powerful would result in Him destroying evil. As a

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